Katherine Rich Steps Down

Katherine Rich of the NCFGC steps down

The New Zealand Food and Grocery Council announced that Chief Executive Katherine Rich is stepping down. After 13 and a half years in the role, she has decided to pass the baton on.

"After 13.5 years, the time is right to pass the baton and step down as CEO of the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council. Thank you to all members and all I have worked with for the betterment of the NZ food and grocery industry. It has been my utmost privilege to be an advocate for food and grocery suppliers here in New Zealand and in export markets," said Rich in a LinkedIn post.

"I have been so fortunate to work alongside so many great FMCG leaders, particularly our chairman Mike Pretty and previous chairs of NZFGC - Peter McClure, George Adams, Pierre van Heerden, Veronique Cremades and Tim Deane, plus all Board members, longest serving member Scott Mackay, and everyone who has rolled up their sleeves for our working groups."

"Words are insufficient to express my thanks to the mighty FGC team Brent Webling, Carole Inkster and of course, my wingwoman, Kira Mikelatos. Thank you once again to all members and those I have worked with. We've achieved more than we thought possible. It has been my honour to be your advocate."

During her tenure, Rich used the knowledge and connections from her nine years as an MP to turn the FGC into a strong industry voice. With a long list of achievements, one that will have a longstanding impact is the grocery code of conduct.

Rich's successor has already been selected, and an announcement will be made by the FGC soon.