Growing Demand For Fine Cheese in UK

continental cheese

According to the latest retail sales data, British cheese flavours have become more diverse. While British Cheddar and Stilton remain popular, many shoppers have begun purchasing what were previously considered fancy continental cheeses.

In the past year, Tesco has experienced a significant surge in demand for its finest range of varieties, such as Ossau-Oraty and Morbier from France. This has made continental cheese the fastest-growing segment of the UK cheese market and signals a promising shift in consumer preferences.

Based on sales volume, the most sought-after continental cheeses in the last year included the Triple Crème Brie, Ossau-Iraty, Morbier, French Brie with Truffle, Vintage Gouda, St. Felicien, Chaource, and Comté.

Chaource is a creamy French soft cheese made with cow’s milk, similar to Camembert, with a hint of mushroom, while St. Felicien is a creamy, mould-ripened cheese with a nutty, mellow flavour.

Another semi-soft, creamy cheese is Morbier, which has a sweet flavour due to a layer of ash running through the centre.

Comté is a hard French cheese made from cow’s milk with a nutty, sweet flavour similar to Gruyère, and Ossau-Iraty is a smooth French cheese made from sheep’s milk that is also slightly nutty.

“We noticed this trend during lockdown, as people were unable to dine out, leading them to opt for fancier cheeses when grocery shopping,” said Tesco Cheese Buyer Charlotte Gramlick.

“This trend has become even more evident during recent challenging times as people are entertaining more at home, resulting in shoppers treating themselves to new cheeses while still purchasing classic British favourites like Cheddar and Stilton.”

Therefore, Tesco has expanded its range to meet the needs of this growing trend and now offers 53 of the finest cheeses, including 25 continental options.