Culinary Innovations for 2024

Culinary Predictions for 2024

Social media has brought several food trends to fame in 2023, from girl dinners to cottage cheese and pickles. Alongside industry professionals, SIAL China has predicted a series of culinary innovations for 2024. 

Food and nutrition are essential in determining the risk of developing chronic diseases and maintaining overall bodily functions. What consumers ingest impacts their energy levels, mood, and mental health. 

This is predicted to lead to an emphasis on new and better plant-based foods and foods that nurture using pre-, pro-, and post-biotics. 

Kelly Kennedy, RDN, staff dietitian for Everyday Health; Sammi Brondo, RD, a dietitian based in New York City; Lauren Twigge, RD, owner of Lauren Twigge Nutrition; and Diana Wind, RD, a nutritionist at Inspira Health, were all consulted on what food trends would gain popularity throughout 2024. 

The first trend is Economic Eats, a financially rewarding diet that focuses on buying affordable options due to the rising cost of food. Eating-out prices are expected to increase five percent in 2024, meaning cooking and eating at home will rise. 

“Many people, especially people with larger families, are going to have to look for affordable options to stay on budget,” said Kennedy. 

Inexpensive protein sources like tinned fish, canned beans and legumes could remain popular, while expensive cuts of meat will be ignored. 

More Protein - Less Meat is the second trend expected to rise, with consumers valuing plant-based substitutes because they are ethical for animals and the environment and cheaper than many meat and dairy products. This links to another predicted trend, which is Plant-Based Seafood. 

Sustainable water practices will continue to be important from 2023, with eco-conscious drinking water rising in popularity. A new Regenerative Organic Certification has prioritised soil health initiatives that conserve water and minimise food waste. 

Brondo predicted that the third trend to surge will be Choline due to its rich list of benefits. 

“Choline is a nutrient the brain and nervous system require for mood regulation, memory and muscle control. Additionally, it helps form the membranes around the body’s cells,” said Brondo. 

“Although the liver produces a small amount, most choline is absorbed via food sources such as beef, chicken, eggs and broccoli.” 

Other noted trends surround pure and clean ingredients. In 2024, the food and beverage industry can expect consumers to value healthy and nutritious products with minimal artificial ingredients.  

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