Record Need For Food This Christmas


UK | In a significant collaboration to address the heightened demand for food this winter, Charities FareShare and the Trussell Trust have been confronted with record levels of need, anticipating supporting over 1.5 million individuals. Before the Tesco Winter Food Collection, Tesco, alongside its charitable partners, ingeniously conceived an alternative to the traditional Trafalgar Square Christmas tree.

Diverging from the customary Trafalgar Square setting in London, Tesco's 20-foot tree found its place in Scarborough's Trafalgar Square. It also deviated from tradition by not being a Norwegian Spruce; instead, it was constructed using essential items crucial for this time of year, such as tinned fruits and vegetables, long-life milk, and cooking sauces, all of which are in high demand by FareShare and the Trussell Trust.

The primary objective of this distinctive tree was to heighten awareness regarding the escalating need for support and to motivate customers to contribute essential items at their local Tesco stores.

The eye-catching tree garnered widespread enthusiasm throughout the town, bringing together Trafalgar Square residents, the Hackness Ladies' Choir, and the Charter Mayor of Scarborough, Councillor John Ritchie, for a festive celebration during the Christmas tree lights' illumination.

Once the seasonal festivities conclude, all 1,699 products constituting the tree will be donated to the local FareShare hub, reaching individuals facing hardships in the community.

Tesco's Winter Food Collection, recognised as the largest in the UK, transpired in its Express stores from November 27 to December 2 and large stores from November 30 to December 2. During this collection period, Tesco customers are encouraged to donate long-life food items to support charities in their work. The Tesco Christmas Report for the year revealed that 26 percent of individuals planned to contribute to a food bank, reflecting the growing significance of such initiatives.

This winter poses challenges for both charities, with the Trussell Trust anticipating the distribution of over one million emergency food parcels between December and February. Alarmingly, they reported that 320,000 people sought food bank assistance for the first time in the past six months.

FareShare has anticipated redistributing more than 28,000 tonnes of food, equivalent to over 68 million meals, a surge of over 42 percent compared to the previous year.

Ken Murphy, Tesco Group CEO, emphasised the urgency of addressing food uncertainty and urged people to contribute to the Winter Food Collection. He acknowledged the significant impact of even the smallest donation making a difference during the holiday season.

Georgina Arnold, Communications Officer at Barnsley Foodbank Partnership, expressed gratitude for the unwavering support from Tesco customers and their Community Champions, highlighting the tremendous impact on those facing hardships.

Trussell Trust Chief Executive Emma Revie underscored the invaluable support of Tesco and its customers, especially when food banks anticipate providing an emergency parcel every eight seconds.

FareShare Chief Executive George Wright shared gratitude for Tesco's historical contribution of over 250 million meals and emphasised the critical role that individual donations play in their efforts to provide food to communities in need, particularly during the challenging winter months.