The Country Wakes Up to Lockdown

New Zealand has woken up to Alert Level Four Lockdown this morning after a community case was identified in Devonport. Since then, four other cases have been identified.

The government took swift action as it had previously announced it would if any Delta variant cases were found in the community. New Zealand does not want to echo what is happening in New South Wales so, while a possible seven day lockdown is a huge blow to the hospitality sector, it is better to have a short and sharp reaction than to be stuck in a drawn out lockdown as we have seen across the ditch.

The key message from the last lockdown remains relevant: Stay at home, Save lives, Be tested. This will stop any undetected spread in the community.

Everyone must stay home and keep within their bubble. Maintain physical distancing from other people to help reduce the spread and if you have cold or flu like symptoms, get a test.

Supermarkets, dairies and petrol stations can continue to operate under strict guidelines.

For businesses that are able to operate

If your employees need to work on site, you should:

  • limit the number of people on site so everyone can safely stay 2 metres apart
  • offer flexible working arrangements, for example, staggered meal breaks, or staggered start and finish times to help with physical distancing
  • clean and disinfect your workplace regularly
  • provide employees with hand washing facilities
  • have personal protective equipment (PPE) available for employees to use
  • display your QR code and have an alternative contact tracing system for workers and customers to use

If your business cannot meet all Alert Level 4 rules to operate safely, your workers should not go into work.

For more information about doing business at Alert Level 4, click here.