Celebrating Women in Business: Sophie Cooper, anihana

After spending a decade as a florist, Sophie Cooper remembers that one of her favourite floristry jobs was for a woman who also owned a soap manufacturing business. Seizing the opportunity to also sell soaps and bath bombs alongside flowers, Cooper quickly fell in love with beauty products.

When she was eight months pregnant with her child and about to go on maternity leave, Cooper’s boss decided to sell her soap making business. She jokingly suggested to her husband that they purchase the business, which eventually led her to have a new baby and a new business, a few months later. 

“I’ve always loved creating beautiful things and bringing joy to people. I think the simple act of self care is so important for our well-being,” said Cooper. 

During the first year and a half of operating the soap business, Cooper was a contract manufacturer. However, she decided to create her own brand, “Ahhh”, which was named after the sound people make when they get in the bath to relax at the end of the day. In 2021, Cooper re-branded Ahhh to “anihana”, which was her daughter’s middle name and her husband’s late mother’s maiden name. 

An important motivator for Cooper is bringing joy into the everyday with anihana’s products. She also noted that promoting sustainable processes is another important motivator. 

“We will always strive to be as sustainable as possible with our packaging and manufacturing. Especially as my children grow up, I am motivated to help them make better choices. I grew up using soap bars, and so did my parents and grandparents, so I would like them to do the same.”

In terms of role models, Cooper said that she admires anyone in business, but especially women. Although she feels that the entrepreneur world can be lonely, connecting with like-minded business people and sharing your challenges is a great way to feel connected with the community.

“I have also learnt a lot from my team and appreciate them so much,” shared Cooper. 

Her best advice for her younger self is not being afraid to ask for help.

“Know your strengths and weaknesses. Build a team around you that can do the things you can’t and make sure to learn from them.”