UK HFSS Rules are Working

The laws to reduce sales and consumption of high-fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) products look to be successful after trials from major manufacturers. HFSS categories that included biscuits and chilled items saw a 20 percent decrease in sales with the restrictions in place.

The law was brought out to reduce volume sales and consumption of high fat, salt and sugar products and that’s exactly what the law is going to do. While Reapp found the HFSS laws also led to a boost in sales across healthy categories of up to 10 percent. The challenge from the retailer perspective is whether this will offset the margin impact that’s going to go through the tills,” said James Lamplugh, group sales marketing director at Dee Set, said to The UK Grocer.

Tesco and Sainsburys have trialled in-aisle bays to recoup the sales taken from the end of aisles and checkouts. 

The in-store HFSS ban began on October 1. On October 1, 2023, the buy one get one free promotion will be banned in HFSS, and on January 1 2024, the ban will see HFSS food advertising disappear online and on TV from 9 pm each day.