Food Recall


Products containing Tahini from Turkey are being recalled due to the possible contamination of the ingredient, specifically salmonella contamination. 

Salmonella is a severe illness, with symptoms appearing within 12 to 72 hours, including abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

The illness usually lasts between 4 and 7 days. It can go on for up to 10 days in more severe cases.

Most people get better without medical help. Drinking a lot of fluids and rest is typically all that’s needed. When the illness gets more severe

In rare cases, it can have long-term effects, like reactive arthritis. It can also cause death, but this is very rare.

In the most severe cases, the infection can spread from the intestines into the blood and other body parts. Individuals are encouraged to contact a medical professional or doctor if symptoms are severe (bloody diarrhoea or severe dehydration) or if they feel sick after more than seven days.

Little Bird Organics’ Good Breakfast Cookie Apple Cinnamon Almond Hemp (70g) has been recalled as it contains possibly contaminated Tahini. 

Other recalled products from varying brands include, GoodFor brand Silky Ta-hini (420g), Forty Thieves brand Organic Tahini Hulled (500g) and several Ceres Organics products, such as Ceres Organics brand Organic Hulled Tahini (in 300g, 18kg, bulk dispensed), Organic Unhulled Tahini (300g, 18kg, and bulk dispensed). 

For a complete list of recalled products, please visit