Game-changer in Fruit Packing

Apo9ro II Robotic produce packaging machine

Global Pac Technologies has officially unveiled the Aporo II robotic produce packaging machine, a machine that packs fruit more consistently and reliably than it's human counterparts. 

The Aporo II builds on technology from Global Pac's first release in 2018, The Aporo I. The latest model can pack twice as fast, with 240 fruit per minute, saving between two and four labour units per double packing belt.  It is powerful, intelligent technology that matches the fruit to it's corresponding pockets. And by reducing the need for labour in packing, manpower can be extended to other areas where it is more desperately required. 

"One of our Australian customers built a new packhouse and installed three of our Aporo II’s. That increased their packhouse production by 30-40 percent and reduced their labour by 50 percent. Automating the process of placing fruit into trays then allows post-harvest operators to redeploy their scarce labour resources to areas where they can add more value,” said Cameron McInness, Director of Jenkins Group – a New Zealand-based company which co-founded Global Pac Technologies with US-based Van Doren Sales Inc. 

The Aporo II is accessible to everyone. It is available in both single and double packing belt layouts, and can be installed on top of existing conveyors and packing lines. The technology is currently being used in France, the UK, Sweden, Belgium, the US, Australia and New Zealand, with a focus on stone fruit.