NZ Fizzy Drinks Get B-Corp

Image from Karma Drinks Facebook

Karma Drinks has achieved B-Corp certification, with the highest score in New Zealand at 127.4 points. It puts the fizzy drink business in B-Corp’s top five percent of companies globally. 

“We are thrilled to have not only achieved B Corp certification but also received the highest score in New Zealand – it’s important to us as a purpose-driven business to show we are walking the talk. Consumers will continue to seek out purpose-driven organisations, and we are proud to be leading the charge here in New Zealand – and taking those values to the world,” said Ben Dando, Karma Drink CEO. 

The 12-month long process to become certified involved answering over 200 questions across five core areas of sustainability: governance, workers, community, environment and customers; with Karma pleased to find it only had a handful of policies to update, given its founding principles already largely aligned with those of B Corp. 

The Karma Foundation played a key role in achieving the certification, supporting communities that grow Karma’s cola nuts in Sierra Leone. Every fizzy drink purchase supports projects across education, sustainability, local enterprise and more - for example, 2021 marked the beginning of construction for a new school in Segbwema. 

Karma’s sustainability goals include: Measuring and publishing its carbon footprint by 2025, becoming carbon positive by 2030, increasing the amount of recycled raw materials used in the supply chain by 15 percent by 2025 and removing all plastic from bottle labels by 2025.