“They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover or a wine by its label. But that’s what people do, which is why we’ve designed so many book covers and labels for wine,” said Andrew Sparrow, partner and creative director of Tried&True.
According to Sparrow, it’s what’s inside that matters, but it’s what’s outside that sells.
“Every purchase is an emotional one, and even generic products are bought because of an emotional trigger. ‘I liked the look of this one’, ‘This one seemed more like me’, ‘I quite like red’. And that’s what we do at Tried&True,” he said.
“Sure, we make things look beautiful, but more importantly we make things look beautiful to the eyes of the specific demographic that you want your product to appeal too. Because that’s what sells products. And the design that shifts the most units is the most beautiful design in the world.”