Women In Business | Stephanie Browning, New World Group

Stephanie Browning, New World South Island Group Manager, brings a depth of experience to her role and a passion for the industry that has shaped her career.

While working in the manufacturing industry, Browning attended a sales call with her friend, a field sales representative at New World Ashburton. This led to a series of sales roles, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Browning has held diverse roles across renowned brands such as Wattie's, Goodman Fielder, Kimberly Clark, and Unilever. Additionally, she was the owner-operator of Four Square Kaikoura for four years. A role that she says enriched her understanding of retail operations firsthand.

She has held her current position as New World South Island Group Manager from 2021.

"There have been so many highlights in my career so far," said Browning.

"It's a crazy but amazing industry, and I have had many different experiences."

Among her memorable career highlights, Browning recalls working on consumer promotions that left a lasting impact, including the renowned Wattie's ExtravaCANza! takeover of displays in Pak'nSave South Island's 'Aisle of Value'.

Giving away houses, organising field trips for Foodstuffs South Island staff to pick peas for instore sampling and nurturing talent by providing opportunities for New World staff to pursue their passions are high points for Browning.

A recent highlight was her involvement in rewarding a New World staff member with the opportunity to kick start her recording career by winning an in-house competition to become the singer for their new campaign song.

However, one of Browning's proudest achievements was spearheading the establishment of the Kaikoura container mall after the 2016 earthquake. This project demonstrated her resilience and dedication to supporting local communities in need.

When asked about mentors, Browning acknowledges the many remarkable individuals she has encountered throughout her career.

She emphasises the importance of learning from others, surrounding oneself with experts in diverse areas, and fostering a culture of continuous growth and collaboration.

Looking back, Browning offers some sage advice to those aspiring to enter the industry.

"Embrace learning opportunities, seek guidance from experienced mentors, and approach challenges with curiosity and resilience."

Above all, Browning advocates for finding fun and fulfilment in the journey, emphasising the importance of colleagues and a passion for the sector.