Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd has changed its brand name to Moana New Zealand, with Moana meaning ‘ocean/seafood’ in Maori. To expand its international reach, the company enlisted the expertise of Designworks, which took care of the rebrand sourcing inspiration from the idea of ‘mauri’, meaning life source, and focusing on the connection between the people of Moana, the places and the product.
The new name shifts the focus from ‘fisheries’—often linked to food processing in consumers’ mind—to NZ worldwide reputation of premium seafood harvested in a clean environment.
The new name should convey a message of true provenance and connection to nature, as also testified by the company’s investment in its supply chain, with new technologically advanced boats, and in Precision Seafood Harvesting fishing, a method that results in better targeting and less damage to the catch.