Since last January, British supermarket chain Asda has reportedly removed permanent collection points for food banks from its stores throughout the UK. Several charities—relying on Asda for up to 15-25 percent of total food donations—raised the alarm and told media that Asda’s national change of policy already affected them. Apparently, the move was not announced and very little reason was given.
“The explanations we have been given are that customers want to know where their donations are going, and that there has been shoplifting from collection boxes,” said Bob Ashford, Fair Frome’s chair of trustees.
According to an Asda spokesperson, charities are now asked to send their volunteers in store ‘to talk to customers and explain where their donations are going,’ or ‘apply for funding through the Asda Foundation by contacting their local community champion.’
The company has also announced it will invest an additional £2 million into local causes.